Alignments collection: Biocomputation approaches from Art



Published 2016-07-12
Eloi Puig Mestres


This paper aims to present an artistic project that show some experiences developed through collaboration Computational Genomics team led by David Torrents from BSC at the Polytechnic University of Barcelona. The Alignments Collection is a set a series notebooks comparing scientific and literary texts. This is a visualization of two artists from the University of Barcelona about the relationship between a grammatical text and DNA code. A Sequence Alignment in bioinformatics is a way to represent and compare two or more DNA sequences to highlight areas of similarity indicating functional or evolutionary relationships between genes. Our goal was to modify this method to compare, not DNA strands, but grammatical text, characters that follow rules and principles, which control the use of a particular language.

How to Cite

Puig Mestres, Eloi. 2016. “Alignments Collection: Biocomputation Approaches from Art”. AusArt 4 (1).
Abstract 474 | PDF (Español) Downloads 416




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