Design for digital repositories: Conceptualizing new communicative paradigms to filter and visualize scientific contents
This article aims to conceptualize a new communicative paradigm applied to academic scientific repositories. The publication and the querying of articles, papers, journals, books and other documents, are an integral part of the research process. However, the querying and information visualization process in a scientific academic repository, often proves to be inefficient, because the wide range of results hardly fits in the user's specific subject. In this sense, it is presented a brief analysis around major reference projects, which although based in the metric of article citations (impact factor), the primary goal lies in the visualization of an extensive citation structure and the relations established between the different scientific fields. Based on the modus operandi of these visualization interfaces, the main objective of this paper is to propose a new approach, where the filtering and the visualization of information is based in the user's experience instead of the usual citation "object" centered approach.
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