Story in transit



Published 2016-12-31
Luis Urquieta Robles


"Story in transit" is an interactive sound project stated as a metaphor, a representation of the migratory process that thousands of people have experienced, generated as an abstraction of the transit space inside the airport. This mise-en-scène is confronted and interlaced with the reality of the oral statements of a group of immigrants currently residing in Barcelona. Through this interactive approach, it is sought to represent a social situation which continues to happen even today, but isn´t considered in its whole. This project attempts to present the less visible face of the issue. Though the work is presented as an interactive installation, its conceptual foundation lies in visual anthropology; using semi-structured interviews and photo-elicitation applied to a group of diverse immigrants as fundamental methodology, in order to approach the load of memory of each immigrant in relation to a selection of images associated to their original territory and culture.

How to Cite

Urquieta Robles, Luis. 2016. “Story in Transit”. AusArt 4 (2).
Abstract 408 | PDF (Español) Downloads 435




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