Of women and goddesses



Published 2017-07-14
Elena Menéndez Requeno


This article is based on the study of female divinity in feminist art, a common icon during the second wave of the feminist movement in USA in the late 1960s and throughout the 1970s. In the following pages we'll tend to show how this image became a metaphor for the different vindications of many women artist who were related to this movement, such as: the connection between woman and nature, their concern about women's sexuality, about how women's bodies are represented in Art, a criticism about patriarchal religions and beliefs, the vindication of the History of Women and a socio-cultural conception; so in the end, the Great Goddess representation in the art of this movement means all the claims we've already named and a way to focus all of them in feminist art.

How to Cite

Menéndez Requeno, Elena. 2017. “Of Women and Goddesses”. AusArt 5 (1). https://doi.org/10.1387/ausart.17785.
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