Ceramics, ornament and subversion A handmade story
I am a 'ceramist'. This is a linguistic tag used to name a particular manner of “knowing” and “making”, traditionally related to craftsmanship, (or Arts and Crafts), ceramic design, and also an agent in art production today. During the 70s and 80s, the inclusion of this artform generated an anti-hierarchical approach to the genres, discourses and materials. The paradigmatical changes that occured during this time period have been broadly accepted as postmodern effects, but we can also view them in relation to the inputs of feminist art. In this essay, we unveil and interpret existing relations between ceramics and feminist practices. A 'hand-made tale', which searches for the genealogy of a feminist ceramic art practice.
How to Cite
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Auther, Elissa. 2004. "The Decorative, Abstraction, and the Hierarchy of Art and Craft in the Art Criticism of Clement Greenberg" Oxford Art Journal 27(3): 339-64. https://doi.org/10.1093/oaj/27.3.339
Butler, Judith. 1992. Fundamentos contingentes: El feminismo y la cuestión del "postmodernismo". Traducción de Moisés Silva. London: Routeledge
Butler, Judith. 2004. Lenguaje, poder e identidad. Traducción y prólogo, Javier Sáez y Beatriz Preciado. Madrid: Síntesis
Haraway, Donna J. 1991. Ciencia, cyborgs y mujeres. Traducción de Manuel Talens. Madrid: Cátedra
Irigaray, Luce. [1974] 2007. Espéculo de la otra mujer. Traducción de Raúl Sánchez Cedillo. Madrid: Akal
Nochlin, Linda. 1971. "¿Why have there been no great women artists?". Art News 69: 22-39
Owens, Craig. 1985. "El discurso de los otros: Las feministas y el posmodernismo". En: La posmodernidad, Jean Baudrillard...et al.; selección y prólogo de Hal Foster; traducción, Jordi Fibla. Barcelona: Kairos
Sontag, Susan. (1964) 2004. "Notes on Camp". Faculty.georgetown.edu. Última modificación, 5 mayo. http://faculty.georgetown.edu/irvinem/theory/Sontag-NotesOnCamp-1964.html

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