Ode to silence Claim for a leading role in the arts



Published 2017-07-14
Natividad Garbayo Alvero


Looking forward to getting fulfilled... to becoming a woman…. an artist… A wish shaping into social and political movements to get through adversity in history, education and gender role in a patriarchal society… The raising of women’s awareness of their own life, both public and personal. A challenge to the cultural and social standards to voice individual and collective identities. The revolution that made women focus the quest for their own female figure and identity. A risky dilemma that questions the social moral principles and bets on fulfillment.

How to Cite

Garbayo Alvero, Natividad. 2017. “Ode to Silence: Claim for a Leading Role in the Arts”. AusArt 5 (1). https://doi.org/10.1387/ausart.17795.
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