New collaborative methodologies in art production Cultural assembly in contemporary artistic creation



Published 2018-07-13
Santiago Lara Morcillo


This article presents some of the patterns in which digital culture is developing within the context of collective artistic production. This relationship has generated new spaces on the web where a multitude of organizational platforms can be appreciated that almost always depend on the needs of a certain group of users. These people would form part of a group of proactive creators who exploit a commons such as the web for their own benefit and that of the group. These forums are subject to change and experimentation, and also self-regulate and mutate, always taking into account the development of their own networked community. This generates new collaborative production methodologies that have their physical reflection in the setting up of meeting spaces where creators combine their experience to create veritable knowledge devices around art.

How to Cite

Lara Morcillo, Santiago. 2018. “New Collaborative Methodologies in Art Production: Cultural Assembly in Contemporary Artistic Creation”. AusArt 6 (1).
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