Drifting pieces A reading of 'Adventure series' by Tracey Moffatt



Published 2018-07-13
María Vicenta Caro Cabrera


The Adventure series photographic work by visual artist Tracey Moffatt is positioned as a link between classic institutional cinema and narrative disciplines that uses series of images as a formal structure -the graphic novel, the fotonovela or the sequential photography. The purpose of this article is to analyze the logical processes of revision (revision as a re-reading of the visual experience of the past) and appropriation of the personal imaginary as a trigger in the process of plastic creation; In addition, this article puts the focus on the particular formal articulation of the Adventure series, in how the narrative (as a compendium of fable, history and text) relegates its classical linear sense in order to sustain and propitiate in the reader / spectator a déjà vu, an inconsistent memory of progressive involution. This work by Tracey Moffatt acts as a visual citation with a strong narrative structure - the obvious formal analogies of Adventure series with the frame emphasize that aspect - which, in its particular case, doesn't give it a classic narrative meaning.

How to Cite

Caro Cabrera, María Vicenta. 2018. “Drifting Pieces: A Reading of ’Adventure series’ by Tracey Moffatt”. AusArt 6 (1). https://doi.org/10.1387/ausart.19269.
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