Art, anamorphosis and spacial perception The viewer´s reallity



Published 2018-07-13
José Antonio Soriano Colchero


The knowledge of reality and the interpretation we make about it is an issue which pursues the human being. On this basis, we will develop our argument based on image as a means of knowledge, doubting their capacity to offer a single and universal discourse. The concept 'space' will be fundamental in our analysis, regarded as a pre-established reality but which is assimilated from experience. In a certain way, we consider that images are polysemic and liable to multiple interpretations in a state of constant change. Finally, to exemplify this, we give an specific case study of spatial perception from the contemporary artistic practice: a Felice Varini's anamorphic installation that has the capacity to distance the viewer from his space-time context and his corporeality; at the same time it offers to the viewer the ability to be aware of the space around him in his purest conceptualization.

How to Cite

Soriano Colchero, José Antonio. 2018. “Art, Anamorphosis and Spacial Perception: The viewer´s Reallity”. AusArt 6 (1).
Abstract 1064 | PDF (Español) Downloads 947




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