In the shadow of production An approximation and valuation of catabasis, a hidden extension of the creative process



Published 2018-07-13
Rakel Gómez Vázquez


This paper aims at highlighting and defending the value of failure, doubt, contradiction and paradox within artistic production and research processes. The article further focuses on showcasing these features as inherent and valid methods for knowledge-building. The report starts with the analysis of "The Phoenix club" as a practical example of an open and experimental space, where artistic methodologies enable further spheres of discussion regarding the problems faced by artistic production processes. Moreover, this analysis leads to a review of the difficulties related to art itself from an academic knowledge and competence-building standpoint, thus delving into the consequences and possibilities for communicating such expertise.

How to Cite

Gómez Vázquez, Rakel. 2018. “In the Shadow of Production: An Approximation and Valuation of Catabasis, a Hidden Extension of the Creative Process”. AusArt 6 (1).
Abstract 375 | PDF (Español) Downloads 345




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