Back to the fores Nostalgia, utopia and play



Published 2018-07-13
Ana Esther Santamaría Fernández


The genre of the lanscape was consolidated with the start of the contemporary world to become one of the busiest roads of the artistic field.The landscape is fashionable and the forest is one of the most alluded spaces in the artistic scene. Suffice it to recall the proliferation of sculpture parks located in these leafy áreas. But, before analyzing the museistic capacity of the forest, or its relationship with science or the discourses that try to make art a banner of sustainability,the paragraphs that follow are going to delineate the ways in wich some creators have returned to the forest, an argument that has to do with the emotional relationship that individuals has been stablishing with this space over time.

How to Cite

Santamaría Fernández, Ana Esther. 2018. “Back to the Fores: Nostalgia, Utopia and Play”. AusArt 6 (1).
Abstract 417 | PDF (Español) Downloads 535




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