Towards a performing experience of convergence Transitional mechanisms of the rite of passage, applied to immersive performing creation
In this study, is presented a semantic diagram that funges as a general model for the analysis of the deroutinizing experience phenomenon, which places topically the mechanics of symbolic construction and interaction, that intervene in the stages of the rite of passage`s transitional process, and generates a cyclical dynamic between states of convergence and divergence with community and everyday living. This tool, in addition to could be used in the analysis of transitional cultural phenomena, such as the deroutinizing practices; also becomes a guide for the construction of immersive staging experiences, in the field of performing practice and research-creation, so it becomes a theoretical-epistemic foundation for the construction of exploration processes and the formulation of creation premises, for the design of interactive collective fictions, and extra-quotidian immersive atmospheres; as possible routes through the transitional process of deroutinization, in staging.
How to Cite
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