Human figure drawing as an instrument of evaluation of creative dance in individuals with Alzheimer's A case study



Published 2019-07-11
Susana Pérez Testor Josep Cabedo Sanromà Silvia Barnet López Miriam Guerra Balic Anna Griñó Roca María del Pilar Aceituno Martín Chiara Salvati Magini


We are presenting a case study of an 89-year-old woman diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease with a moderate-to-severe degree of cognitive deterioration. To conduct the study, the DAP-IQ test (Reynolds & Hickman 2004) and the HTP test (Buck 2008) were used with the goal of analysing the development of drawing and the impact of two creative dance interventions in a three-month interval. The results show that the scores were lower on the two drawings made before the creative dance class and higher on the two made immediately after the class. Based on these results, we can conclude that without the creative dance intervention, drawing tends to disappear, while in the drawings made after the creative dance intervention, body parts that had been omitted tended to be drawn, such as hair, eyebrows, nose, waist, eyes, legs and feet.

How to Cite

Pérez Testor, Susana, Josep Cabedo Sanromà, Silvia Barnet López, Miriam Guerra Balic, Anna Griñó Roca, María del Pilar Aceituno Martín, and Chiara Salvati Magini. 2019. “Human Figure Drawing As an Instrument of Evaluation of Creative Dance in Individuals With Alzheimer’s: A Case Study”. AusArt 7 (1).
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