Performativity in the academy A genealogical approach to the performative writing concept and its use in artistic research`s storytelling



Published 2020-06-30
Félix Gómez-Urda González


This article is an epistemological approach to the concept of performative writing, a narrative form considered here as technology to account for the results of an arts based research. The origin of this type of writing is placed in the reflections on the performative utterance of the philosopher John L. Austin and in the successive stress that his ideas have found in philosophy, sociology, anthropology and art. The article offers a genealogy of the concept and suggests answers to problematic questions in the field of artistic research such as, what is performativity? or what elements characterize performative writing and what role does it play in the context of arts-based research methodologies?

How to Cite

Gómez-Urda González, Félix. 2020. “Performativity in the Academy: A Genealogical Approach to the Performative Writing Concept and Its Use in Artistic research`s Storytelling”. AusArt 8 (1).
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