Alert, alert, alert, that feminist women are walking through the Argentine streets! Sounds and noises of feminist memories in the streets of Buenos Aires
The dichotomous accentuation between public and private space (generated in modernity), caused, among other factors, the evaporation of imaginaries that alluded to the participation of women in public space. It is for this reason that this study will try to make visible tools for the reappropriation and reinscription of memories in the public space. In this case, the main tool will be the performative work carried out by the Argentine collective Mujeres Públicas, who in 2013 carried out the performative variation In the square, in the house, in the bed: Essay for a feminist cartography. This is how I will focus on the discourses derived from the incursion of bodies, voices and sounds in the streets as memory activators.
How to Cite
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