A walk through the materials accumulated at the edges of history based on the exhibition ‘Denboraren tolesak’
The past is a story, a representation, made from the present. In that sense, we can think of a map as a device to represent the past, but also to return to it taking a different route and read it from another perspective. Based on that definition, and taking Iván Gómez’s exhibition ‘Denboraren tolesak’ (2022) as a starting point, this article aims to address the importance of contemporary artistic practices in the reinterpretation of history and the reconfiguration of the present. In fact, this exhibition is a curatorial exercise that ends up functioning as a map, in which a cartography of different bodies is made based upon the existence of the Pheasant Island. Thus, this text talks about an attempt to tell history differently, a journey proposed withthe intention of recovering the materials, whispers and traces hin the wrinkles of time.
How to Cite
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Gómez Gutiérrez, Iván. 2022. Denbora-tolesak [Plis temporaires: Pliegues temporales]. Haizea Barcenillarekin solasean. Erakusketaren katalo goa, Menchu Gal Aretoan, 2022.07.08-08.28. Irun: Irungo Udala
Mbembe, Joseph-Achille. (2006) 2011. Necropolítica: Seguido de Sobre el gobierno privado indirecto. Itzulpena eta edizioa, Elisabeth Falomir Archambault. Santa Cruz de Tenerife: Melusina
Sáinz Chávez, Luis Ignacio. 2006. “La isla de los Faisanes: Diego de Velazquez y Felipe IV; Reflexiones sobre las representaciones políticas”. Nueva Época 51: 149-172
Valencia Triana, Sayak. 2010. Capitalismo gore. Santa Cruz de Tenerife: Melusina

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