Re-enacting Golgonooza Contemporary representations of William Blake's mythical city



Published 2022-12-02
Mónica Sánchez Tierraseca


William Blake's city of art and imagination, Golgonooza, is the origin of research that aims to understand his complex cosmogony. For contemporary artists it will also be a reference for replicating the visual imaginary of the English poet and engraver. In this sense, the article focuses on the analysis of Andrea McLean and Henry Eliot's artistic map as a vehicle for reconstructing the prototype of the celestial city. To achieve this, the authors trace Golgonooza's abstract ideas of London topography by using and distributing symbolic elements that, in turn, represent imaginary locations. Finally, we come to the conclusion that, in contrast to the supposed objectivity that topographers try to determine, artistic cartography is a useful way to come closer to understanding the mythical universe of William Blake and his archetypal city.

How to Cite

Sánchez Tierraseca, Mónica. 2022. “Re-Enacting Golgonooza: Contemporary Representations of William Blake’s Mythical City”. AusArt 10 (2).
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Golgonooza, Cosmogony, Mythology, William Blake, Imagination

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