Cartography of Chillida-Leku Sculpture as a path
This article deals with the cartographic aspect of Chillida-Leku, but with a spontaneous and free character. The place is a living map that transforms with its own will and with a specific meaning. The possible routes that are projected through a landscape designed over time, and that take place in a space, show the importance of the place (the “topos”) as something physical, but also as something psychic and spiritual. Bearing in mind the fact that defining the concepts of space and emptiness is a very complex task, the goal is to at least analyze the essential mechanism of that environment created by an artist who valued the process of experimentation. To do this, an empirical and cataloging method has been used, in order to review the itinerary of exhibited sculptures and arouse curiosity to start this enriching path.
How to Cite
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