'Linescapes' Notes on lines, traces and walking within the densification of the photographic universe
Walking and thinking as drifting practices allow the possibility to think about graphic arts in times of a densified visual universe. In this inquiry, encounters as condition of the urban life and simultaneously the ressonance of thought involved in thinking graphic arts while walking across the city, open up questions such as: looking for that which has already been drawn or sketched, as a means to address the ecology of traces and prints; taking and sharing photographs as a means to address the edition and redundance of images; appropiating practices in the realm of the arts. This article adopts an a/r/tographic narrative that is sensitive to ways of thinking and doing of the arts, to inquire about traces and prints in the urban context as an expanded field for drawing and printmaking. Relevant aspects of this narrative are the way in which data has been collected and processed, such as walking and thinking as drifts. It is also relevant the erratic and hybrid nature of data, which starts as a series of photographs by the author, it evolves into a dialogue with texts, images, and ways of doing of other artists and thinkers, and it ends up with printmaking as an exploration of space.
How to Cite
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