Ecofeminisms and contra-pedagogies of cruelty
This article focuses its analysis on contemporary artistic practices, from an ecofeminist perspective, highlighting their activism as counter-pedagogies of cruelty in the search for whose artists are framed from the ecofeminist perspective as a counter-pedagogical activism to raise awareness and re-educate for a more just, sustainable and equitable society with the environment. We propose a journey that begins with the study of the pioneering practices of the 60's and 70's. These artistic practices we study, from a historical and current point of view, on how they affect a feminist activism against cultural monoculture and green capitalism. We will observe how the commitment of these artists is preserved in current and contemporary practices, both in the approach of their projects and in the development of their processes focused on ecojustice, the theory of affections and personal links with and for the community. The action or aesthetic transformation is always respectful, ethical and non-utilitarian of the context in which they intervene, reflect or investigate. We will conclude this itinerary with the presentation of the work of Ruth Montiel Arias (Palmeira, A Coruña, 1977) as a powerful contemporary reference of ecological awareness and counter-pedagogy of cruelty in the artistic field.
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