Eco-art as a means of aesthetic, ethical and social transformation
Faced with the transformation of the natural environment, eco-art as an object of study can contribute to the need to examine the plurality of approaches to strategies and formulas of culture around the ecological question. Starting from a review and concern for environmental problems, art requires an approach to the relationship between ethics and aesthetics that encompasses a plural, humanistic and holistic space, which involves producing while contributing to the climate emergency. In this context, art and science are challenged to dialogue in order to confront, contribute to and reorientate the integration of climate change, contribute and reorientate the integration of the environmental discourse through eco-art so that the fundamental and significant of artistic praxis demands awareness, ethics, social-educational responsibility and commitment, as well as convergences that allow the exchange of tools in the manifestation and restoration of visible natural processes of memory and social cohesion of the human contribution.
How to Cite
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