Experimentation in audiovisual art and in cinema Abstract narrative language as a temporary experience, breaking away from a spectacular and mass model



Published 2024-01-31
Paz Tornero Lorenzo


The study of the multiple languages of the audiovisual world is an essential part of our understanding of the contemporary production of art and culture. Likewise, the democratization of the nature of the images and sounds of everyday use that generate massive audiovisual content in the public domain thanks to the inclusion of the personal computer since the 1980s, the Internet since the early 1990s, smart phones since 2010, and very light portable recording devices such as digital cameras with memory cards that incorporate video. This article provides a brief review of the most important cinematographic and videographic manifestations of avant-garde art movements of the twentieth century and the trends of our time, and opens a necessary debate on the production of artistic works that describe alternative audiovisual languages and that should continue to be considered, along with the most experimental and auteurist cinema, as narrative expressions of audiovisual language.

How to Cite

Tornero Lorenzo, Paz. 2024. “Experimentation in Audiovisual Art and in Cinema: Abstract Narrative Language As a Temporary Experience, Breaking Away from a Spectacular and Mass Model”. AusArt 12 (1). https://doi.org/10.1387/ausart.25789.
Abstract 531 | PDF (Español) Downloads 490




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