Trapped in limbo- Images and sounds on the run in Spanish video art Some considerations on the problem of video art preservation in Spain



Published 2024-01-31
Pablo Maraví Martínez



The conservation of video art in Spain continues to be a serious problem and a recent motive for study. To this day, a significant amount of works conceived on electromagnetic media remain outside the archiving and preservation policies of the so-called memory institutions (universities, film libraries, museums, etc.). The fragile and ephemeral nature of this type of media, coupled with a problem such as technological obsolescence, has put the survival of these materials at serious risk. Faced with the state of dispersion and abandonment of a large part of these works, and in view of the apathy shown by some of these institutions when it comes to their recovery and revaluation, this text intends to serve, ultimately, to introduce the VideoFlux initiative to the academic world: a working structure/methodology dedicated to the recovery and conservation of the videographic heritage produced in the Basque Country.

How to Cite

Maraví Martínez, Pablo. 2024. “Trapped in Limbo- Images and Sounds on the Run in Spanish Video Art: Some Considerations on the Problem of Video Art Preservation in Spain”. AusArt 12 (1).
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