Text as ecoartivist practice



Published 2024-07-08
Lucía Álvarez-Borrajo Rocío Arregui-Pradas


These pages present a text that has been created collaboratively. Framed at the crossroads of the environmental crisis, we establish that performative writing facilitates forms of discourse that demostrate resistance strategies in which peripheral knowledge and critical knowledge are combined. Firstly, an approach is made to the definition of performative writing. Next, based on personal experience lived in a rural context, aspects in common with ecofeminist theory are outlined. Thirdly, autoethnography is highlighted as an important qualitative research method to carry out an analysis of personal experience connected to the cultural context. By way of conclusion, the interweaving of disciplines and contexts is outlined, as well as the importance of participation in real cultural networks, highlighting the example of mediation carried out by El Cubo Verde in the project «Culturarios | Humus de iniciativas culturales en el campo».

How to Cite

Álvarez-Borrajo, Lucía, and Rocío Arregui-Pradas. 2024. “Text As Ecoartivist Practice”. AusArt 12 (2). https://doi.org/10.1387/ausart.26211.
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