Transdisciplinary variations of artistic interweaving



Published 2025-01-24
Miguel Alfonso Bouhaben José Enrique Mateo León


This research is based on the construction of a space for dialogue for the exchange of perceptive, sensitive and intellectual experiences in the context of a university course on the transdisciplinary nature of the art field. To develop this experience, a collaboration was carried out between a teacher and researcher with studies in art and interests in the epistemological conditions of the artistic, and a teacher and researcher with studies in philosophy and cinema and interests in artistic research. The interweaving of teaching and research itineraries generated an argumentative field of dialogue that fostered the transdisciplinary elasticity of the teaching task. On this basis, a methodology of transdisciplinary cooperation based on projects (MTCP) was proposed to the students with the intention of interweaving: a) cooperative learning, which tries to provide equal participation; b) transdisciplinary learning, which mobilizes the interaction between knowledge; and c) learning based on projects, which enables an extension beyond the classroom. To implement this method, three transdisciplinary variations were introduced: a) dialogue with people outside the field of art; b) establishment of alliances between people in the group; and c) joint conversation among all participants.

How to Cite

Alfonso Bouhaben, Miguel, and José Enrique Mateo León. 2025. “Transdisciplinary Variations of Artistic Interweaving”. AusArt 13 (1).
Abstract 28 | PDF (Español) Downloads 27




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