A garden, but not of flowers Analysis of orientation, distance and body in a vacant lot



Published 2023-10-26
Leyre Arraiza Sancho


This text is about vacant lots as unrecognized and undervalued spaces in our society. They are transitional landscapes, without defined form or intention, but with a potential to constantly transform and adapt. It reflects on how we perceive and relate to these landscapes, how our perception/relationship is conditioned by filters and preexisting expectations. The importance of paying attention to understand and relate to these spaces is emphasized. Attention is described as a way of being present, listening, and understanding others' experiences. It is suggested that art can be a generator of spaces for connection and care in these landscapes. Lastly, it raises the idea that these vacant lots are places where forms of resistance and queer expression can be found. Spaces where plants and beings find their own way of existing and enter into relation and coexistence. The importance of valuing these spaces for their capacity to reflect the pleasure of existence, beyond their physical form.

How to Cite

Arraiza Sancho, Leyre. 2023. “A Garden, But Not of Flowers: Analysis of Orientation, Distance and Body in a Vacant Lot”. AusArt 11 (2). https://doi.org/10.1387/ausart.24968.
Abstract 141 | PDF (Español) Downloads 279




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