About the Journal

Orientation and fields

EKAIA will publish original works on Natural Sciences, Health Sciences, Exact Sciences and Technology in the field of high-level dissemination.

Expert evaluation process

The article will be sent to an expert Area Editor. The editor of the area will send the article to the two experts in the field (double blind). The comments of the Supervisors and Area Editor shall be returned to the author. Once the author has made the corrections, the final decision on the publication of the article shall be taken by the Drafting Committee. Finally, the article will be sent to a Euskera corrector and then returned to the author for correction. Such amendments shall be mandatory for the adoption of the article.


Free access policy

This magazine provides immediate free access to local content. Thus, thanks to the free offers of research to the public or to the general public, there is a greater global exchange of knowledge.

The creation of the magazine

The scientific advances of the last few centuries and the expansion of technology have had an enormous impact on society, and have become fundamental to all of us. To this end, it has been essential to build a bridge between science and society to disseminate the results of research in an understandable manner.

The dissemination of science and technology in the Basque Country has had many problems, since the Basque Country itself was not adapted to the technical level. Fortunately, a great deal of work has been done in recent years, and nowadays many university subjects have been taught in Basque, as well as research groups working in Basque. This has increased the need for dissemination in Basque, as neither the vocabulary produced in scientific settings nor the reinforced tradition have, unfortunately, had enough resonance in the streets. Scientific issues often appear in different media, but there are still many gaps.

In 1989 the University of the Basque Country created the journal EKAIA to promote scientific and technical dissemination. The duration of this first session was, alas, short, and the EKAIA road was cut off, namely in No. 2. In 1995, a group of UPV-EHU professors, with renewed strength and better equipment, resumed the path they had once abandoned, as required by terminological unification and the constant emergence of new concepts and discoveries.

History of the magazine

In 1989 the University of the Basque Country created the journal EKAIA to promote scientific and technical dissemination. Unfortunately, the duration of this first session was short, and the road to EKAIA was interrupted, namely in No. 2. In 1995, a group of UPV-EHU professors, with renewed strength and better equipment, resumed the path they had once abandoned, as required by terminological unification and the constant emergence of new concepts and discoveries. Since 1995, Ekaia has published 29 ordinary copies and four special ones. Today, we make up 39 people in Ekaia magazine, where there are a lot of science experts.

Ekaia magazine has also taken its first step on social media and has a Twitter account (@ehu_ekaia). Twitter has become the new information point. It reports on approved articles, deadlines for sending articles, publication of the physical copy...