Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
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Author Guidelines
1- Original works on Health Sciences, Natural Sciences, Exact Sciences and Technology will be published in the journal EKAIA in the field of high-level dissemination and research.
2- In each copy, 15-20 articles shall be published and two ordinary copies shall be published annually and another special one (articles 12-15). The copies to be published in the same year shall be those sent before 15 May of that year; the works sent outside that date shall be incorporated into the editing process of the following year.
3- Article authors can send the electronic version of the document to the online OJS in file format "doc" (DOC Template) , "odt" (ODT Template) or "latex" (LATEX Template) (in our case it is more convenient for us to work in doc format). Always on the corresponding template (see item 9). In addition, Graphical Abstract has to be sent that summarizes the content of the work.
4- The "latex" format for mathematical language (formulas,
5- The text shall be written in Basque, in a clear and precise language and in accordance with the customs and conventions of the scientific literature. Nomenclature, abbreviations, symbols, etc., shall be written in accordance with international codes. It is also requested that the electronic corrector be sent via ESC.
6- At the beginning of the article, the title (in Basque and English), the full name and surnames of the authors (the abbreviation of the name cannot be inserted), the affiliations and the e-mail address of the contact person shall be indicated.
7- The general text of the article shall be preceded by a summary, a maximum of 250 words, an abstract and keywords in Basque and English.
8. The sections of the article may be freely chosen. However, the first and final sections must necessarily be the introduction and bibliography respectively.
9- To know the characteristics of the text format, follow the templates that have been placed on the on-line system: Templates are available for the "doc" format, the "odt" format and the "latex" format (LaTeX: ZIP file). 12,000 to 25,000 characters (no space, no title, no summary, no reference) must be intermediate.
The Latex template can be obtained from official latex systems (, but the berstio is not entirely correct. So it's the version on this page that takes precedence.
10- The text shall indicate the location of the images, photographs and tables. The author shall send the foot describing each image, photograph, and board, and shall indicate the place from which the image, photograph, or board has been received, if not by itself. Of course, with the consent of the person or organization entitled to re-publication. In the event of infringement of copyright, the author of the article shall be held responsible for what he has done, and Ekaia shall not be liable in such cases.
11- Bibliographic references shall be counted in the order indicated in the text. It is recommended, where possible, to include in the references the full names and surnames of the authors, and at the end of the work they shall be written as follows:
URL for Mendeley:
(a) For books: [Number]. Author (s). Year. The title of the book is cursive. Publishing House, Publishing Town.
[3] SCHMIDT K. 1975. Respiration in air. Cambridge University Press, London.
(b) For articles: [Number]. Author (s). Year. "Title of the article". Name of the magazine in italics, volume in black, pages.
[5] HOLLISTER, L.E., GILLESPIE, H.K., OHLSSON, A., LINDGREN, J.E., WAHLEN, A. and AGURELL, S. 1981. "Do plasma concentrations of Proceeding 9-tetrahidrocannabinol reflect the degree of intoxication?" Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 21, 171 – 177.
(c) The URL of network references shall be accompanied by the date of updating of the website.
12- The article sent has not been published elsewhere or sent to another journal for publication. Articles to secure it will go through the Crossref (Similarity Check) program.
13- Authors should propose two scientific evaluators who are experts in the field and who know Basque.
14- The Director of the Drafting Committee shall refer the article to the Area Coordinator and the Area Coordinator to two Expert Evaluators. The comments of the evaluators and the decision of the area coordinator (ready for publication, minor changes, major changes) will be returned to the author. Once the amendments have been made by the author (the amendments made must appear in the text in the form of 'change control'), the final decision on the publication of the article shall be taken by the drafting committee. Once the scientific evaluation has been completed, the provisional article will appear on the website and be assigned a DOI (Digital Object Identifier). For the article to be final and published, corrections to the scientific Basque Country must be made and approved.
15- All articles that have passed the scientific evaluation shall pass through the hands of the Basque correctors. The Basque correctors shall indicate in the text itself what must be corrected. The author shall have a period of seven working days to direct the work. After the author's first amendment, the Euskera correctors shall determine whether or not a second amendment is necessary. If a second round is necessary, the author shall again have a period of seven working days to send the work corrected. Corrections to the scientific Basque language shall be mandatory for the publication of the article.
16- Articles will be preserved in ADDI ( UPV/EHU institutional repository.
17- Ekaia journal does not charge any charge fees for publishing articles (No APCs).
18- Finally, in order to promote the collaboration agreed between the journal Ekaia and the Chair of Scientific Culture, the authors undertake to make an informative summary of the 400-500 words of the article, for publication in the digital media of "Zientzia Kaiera".
Ekaia Editorial Committee (13/03/2018)