The Composter-henhouse of Noain (Navarre): a participatory action research on management of Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste



Published 20-09-2017
Ania Ibarguren Inazio Irigoien Joseba Arizmendiarrieta Francesco Storino Monica Usanoz


A new Home Community Composting system is presented: the Composting-Henhouse. That is a henhouse which includes several compost bins inside, where citizens dispose their food scraps for composting. Due to the action of the hen´s beak and claws scraps are rapidly composted. A community pilot project was settled in the Sense´s Park in Noain (Navarre) where 30 volunteers families have participated in this participatory action research, by suppling their scraps and by recording technical data during a period of 30 months. As payment they received compost, eggs and the experience of being a hen keeper for one day. This work presents the successful technical results recorded by citizens in this collaborative research.
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prevention, biowaste, compost, eggs, hens

Ale Arrunta