(Additive Manufacturing in Medical Applications: monitoring scientific and technological trends
Enara Zarrabeitia Bilbao Itziar Martinez de Alegria Mancisidor
Itsaso Otaño Michelena
Additive manufacturing in medical applications has the potential to radically transform the health industry, because of this; scientific output and patent activity are rapidly growing. The aim of this paper was to evaluate the research status of additive manufacturing in medical applications and identify its scientific and technological patterns in order to improve the approved research of these technologies. Visualizations have been made from Web Of Science (WoS) publication data and patent data from PatSeer that allow us to understand the field of research; publication year, top countries, journal and organizations. Moreover, a patent analysis has been carried out to define the path of the technology activities. Global results reveal that additive manufacturing in medical applications is rapidly acquiring attention in scientific production. Research concentration is mainly in USA, the institutions with more publications are from Chin, Singapore and South Korea. Regarding patents, the main countries of patent assignees are USA, China and Germany. The intellectual landscape is formed by very general terms, such as. "3D print", "In-vitro", "rapid prototype", "scaffold", "tissue", "mesenchimal stem-cells", among others, are also being studied.
additive manufacturing, medical applications, scientometric, text mining, patentometric)