Electrothermal simulations of battery-packs: commercial 14S5P battery-pack



Published 01-05-2020
Jose Miguel Campillo-Robles
Iñaki Veci
Josu M. Igartua
Benjamín Ballesteros


Electrothermal behaviour of 14S5P battery-pack, usually placed in small electric vehicles, is analysed for the first time using multiphysics simulations. An electrochemical model is developed to describe the electric behaviour of LMO 26650 battery (3.5 Ah). NMC active material is added in the LMO cathode (0, 29, and 59 % wt) to check the improvement of the electrical performance of the battery. The heating process of LMO 26650 battery is simulated in a high intensity discharge process (10 A). As a result, the temperature of the cell suffers an important increment of 64 %. Finally, with intensities of usual working conditions, the temperature of 14S5P battery-pack does not increase remarkably.

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modelling, li-ion 14S5P battery-pack, 26650 battery, LMO, passive cooling, thermal management

Ale Arrunta