Hagin-ebakortzen hipomineralizazioa (MIH): etiopatogeniaren garapena, diagnostiko-irizpideak eta tratamendua



Published 30-05-2024
Jon Fernández-Bonet


Molar-Incisor Hypomineralization (MIH) is a developmental condition that significantly impacts teeth, mainly affecting molars and permanent incisors. Beyond causing enamel defects, MIH elevates tooth sensitivity, induces pain, and even accelerates the development of caries. Manifesting as discolored, opaque, or subtly white spots, MIH leads to discomfort and pain when consuming hot or cold substances. This condition poses a substantial clinical challenge for both general and pediatric dentists. This article seeks to serve as a comprehensive reference for Dentistry students, filling a void in didactic materials available in the Basque language. Until now, there has been a lack of educational resources addressing MIH in a clear and accessible manner. In addition to shedding light on the etiology of the pathology, this study offers a well-defined diagnostic approach and a practical guide for making therapeutic decisions. Furthermore, it provides insights into potential avenues for future research. The diagnostic and therapeutic recommendations presented herein align with the latest updates from The European Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, ensuring a contemporary and evidence-based perspective.

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Molar incisor hypomineralisation, MIH, Aetiology, Diagnosis, Treatment, Guidelines

Ale Arrunta