Zein erlazio dago entzumen-galeraren eta Alzheimer gaixotasunaren artean? Tentsio-menpeko potasio-kanalen papera aztergai



Published 25-02-2025
Ane Arrizabalaga Iriondo Arantza Muguruza Montero Janire Urrutia Miren Revuelta


Hearing loss or hypoacusia and cognitive impairment are two situations associated with aging. Two factors are correlated. In the hearing signal transmission voltage-gated potassium channels are essential. The possible changes in these channels can therefore affect the correct separation of sound and cause hearing
loss. In addition, dysfunctions in brain potassium channels can cause neurodegenerative processes. Experts have investigated alterations in the expression and function of voltage-gated potassium channels in Alzheimer's patients. These alterations are supposed to cause the appearance of certain pathological mechanisms, including the alteration of the excitability of neurons, neuroinflammation, and neuronal apoptosis. Therefore, the use of voltage-gated potassium channels of the auditory pathway as therapeutic targets and its modulation would help to slow down the development of Alzheimer's disease and, at the same time, it would improve the live quality of patients.

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