16 commentaries about Sociology(s) and Community(es)



Pablo de Marinis


This article takes the concept of "community" as a sociolo- gical issue. This task is done revisiting the classical formu- lations of sociology (especially considering the conceptual polarity Gemeinschaft-Gesellschaft) as well as more con- temporary versions of it. "Community" was often conside- red dead, but it has been recently re-invented and re- activated by contemporary political rationalities. In turn, "society" (the greatest invention of sociology) apparently vanishes in the context of a process which has three diffe- rentiated but interconnected dimensions: the economiza- tion of the means of government of the State, the re- invention of community and the deployment of technolo- gies of an active self. Community has currently new featu- res, which were not present within those old communities of the past. But current "post-social" communities still are, even today, a privileged field for the construction of mea- ning and identity
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community-society, social-sociology, political rationality

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