Papeles del CEIC 2020-2. Septiembre
Monographic issue about Crip politics: identity, abject bodies and disability coordinated by Melania Moscoso, with a text by Robert McRuer in the "Fundamental" section, and the contributions by Laura San Miquel Moliner; Andrea García-Santesmases Fernández; Salvador Cayuela Sánchez; María Pía Venturiello, Camuca Gómez Bueno and María Teresa Martín Palomo; Dresda Emma Méndez de la Breña; Luisina Castelli; and Jorge Fernández Gonzalo. The "Research Articles" section contains a paper by Jesús Parra Saéz. The issue closes with reviews of publications associated with the theme of this monographic issue.
Published: 28-09-2020
Presentation. Disability beyond narrative: abject bodies in social life and contemporary culture
Abstract 890 | texto (Español) Downloads 646 | DOI
Page presentación
Compulsory Able-Bodiedness and Queer/Disabled Existence
Abstract 1438 | texto (Español) Downloads 932 | DOI
Page papel 230
Single Topic Issues
Dis/ability Studies: A Non-individualising Approach to Critically Explore the Production of the Disabled Body-subject
Abstract 1758 | texto (Español) Downloads 804 discusión (Español) Downloads 136 | DOI
Page papel 231
CRIP, WHAT ?? Statements, tensions and appropriations around the claim of the term tullido in the Spanish context
Abstract 1366 | texto (Español) Downloads 704 discusión (Español) Downloads 131 | DOI
Page papel 232
Spaces of Disability during the Late-Francoism and the Spanish Democratic Transition. The Invention of the “Disabled Subject”
Abstract 601 | texto (Español) Downloads 372 | DOI
Page papel 233
Frameworks of Interdependence, Care and Autonomy in Situations of Functional Diversity
Abstract 1746 | texto (Español) Downloads 879 discusión (Español) Downloads 151 | DOI
Page papel 234
Living Untimely: Towards an Unapologetic Temporality of Living with Chronic Pain
Abstract 1276 | texto (Español) Downloads 450 | DOI
Page papel 235
Gender, Body and Sexuality Assemblages in the Narratives of Two Rengos
Abstract 453 | texto (Español) Downloads 317 | DOI
Page papel 236
What Does a Cripple Body Laugh About? Humor Crip Policies
Abstract 636 | texto (Español) Downloads 332 | DOI
Page papel 237
Research Articles
Personal Self-Improvement and Cyborg Technology: Therapy or Enhancement?
Abstract 860 | texto (Español) Downloads 469 discusión (Español) Downloads 121 | DOI
Page papel 238
Critical papers
McRuer, R. (2018). Crip Times, Disability, Globalization, and Resistance. New York: New York university Press.
Abstract 217 | texto (Español) Downloads 292 | DOI
Page papel crítico 70
Peele, Jordan (2017). Get out. Película
Abstract 388 | texto Downloads 367 | DOI
Page papel crítico 71