Papeles del CEIC 2018-2. September

This monographic issue about Donor-assisted procreation. Between disputes and redefinitions of links and identities is coordinated by Elixabete Imaz. The "Fundamental" section contains a paper by Verena Stolcke; the following section includes contributions from Consuelo Álvarez y José Ignacio Pichardo, Mariana Viera, Rosa María Frasquet, Mercè Falguera, Rosana Machin, Maria Helena Oliva y Douglas Mendosa, y Anna María Morero. In the "Research Articles" section, there is a paper by Luca Sebastiani. The issue closes with reviews of publications associated with the theme of this Monographic Issue . The section "Sudacas fuera de campo" begins in this issue with a contribution by Pablo de Marinis.

Published: 12-09-2018



The new reproductive technologies, the old paternity

Verena Stolcke
Abstract 1991 | texto (Español) Downloads 906 XML (Español) Downloads 0 | DOI

Page papel 193

Single Topic Issues

The construction of the "good sperm donor": selection, choice, anonymity and traceability

Consuelo Álvarez Plaza, José Ignacio Pichardo Galán
Abstract 1617 | texto (Español) Downloads 561 texto (english) (Español) Downloads 198 discusión (Español) Downloads 202 xml (Español) Downloads 0 | DOI

Page papel 194

Desires, semen and babies. Reproductive techniques and lesbian motherhood

Mercè Falguera Ríos
Abstract 2450 | texto (Español) Downloads 566 xml (Español) Downloads 0 discusión (Español) Downloads 219 | DOI

Page papel 197

Cross-border reproduction: the reproductive market in Angola and Brazil

Rosana Machin, Maria Helena Oliva Augusto, Douglas Mendosa
Abstract 1117 | texto Downloads 412 XML (Español) Downloads 0 | DOI

Page papel 198

Characteristics of Spanish families created through surrogacy

Anna María Morero
Abstract 2700 | texto (Español) Downloads 944 XML (Español) Downloads 0 | DOI

Page papel 199

Sudacas Off the Field

Sudacas fuera de campo. Editor's note

Gabriel Gatti
Abstract 610 | texto (Español) Downloads 318 XML (Español) Downloads 0 | DOI

Page nota editor

Vicissitudes with / in the deutsche Sprache. An autobiographical essay about equalities and differences

Pablo de Marinis
Abstract 736 | texto (Español) Downloads 341 xml (Español) Downloads 0 discusión (Español) Downloads 137 | DOI

Page papel 200

Research Articles

Critical Review

Film Review

Aria (2016). Emilie Jouvet

Elixabete Imaz
Abstract 239 | texto (Español) Downloads 317 XML (Español) Downloads 0 | DOI

Page audiovisual 15

Angalia Mzungu (2016), Yolanda Villanueva y Mujeres del Congo (2017), Isabel Múñoz

Elisa García-Mingo
Abstract 258 | TEXTO (Español) Downloads 286 XML (Español) Downloads 0 | DOI

Page audiovisual 16

Captain Fantastic (2016). Matt Ross

Maider Pérez Azueta
Abstract 292 | TEXTO (Euskara) Downloads 413 XML (Euskara) Downloads 0 | DOI

Page audiovisual 16