Semántica y Axiología: una aplicación práctica al léxico vasco



Argitaratua 1990-04-02
Maitena Etxebarria


According to the principles of Functional analysis, Phonetics as the general study of phonic substance, i.e., the study of all articulatory possibilities of human beings, is opposed to Phonology wich is the study of the patterns and ways of organizing that phonic sustance in order to form the distinctive units.
   André Martinet proposed to transfer this distinction to the level of meaning, thus defining Semantics as the general study of sense, i.e., the study of all the experience of the world in the ways in which this appears in language, and Axiology, then, as the study of those sense elements that a language uses in order to work out the meaning of the meaningful units. The present work will deal with the particular case of those lexems of Basque that express age.

Nola aipatu

Etxebarria, Maitena. 1990. «Semántica Y Axiología: Una aplicación práctica Al léxico Vasco». Anuario Del Seminario De Filología Vasca "Julio De Urquijo" 24 (1):53-62.
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