De métrica vascorrománica



Argitaratua 1990-12-02
Jon Juaristi


This article deals with Basque metrics and their Romanic patterns. It discusses the theories on uneven syllabism in Basque verse, through the analysis of the six-line verse used by Gabriel Aresti in his poem Maldan behera, the 16th century ballad known as Beotibarko kanta and Bernard Etxepare's Linguae Vasconum Primitiae. The author holds the traditional thesis of parisillabic versification against the more recent one held by scholars such as Lafon, Michelena, Haritschelhar, Irigoyen and Altuna, and argues for its possible Latin and Romanic origins.

Nola aipatu

Juaristi, Jon. 1990. «De métrica vascorrománica». Anuario Del Seminario De Filología Vasca "Julio De Urquijo" 24 (2):385-406.
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