Euskararen kasu-markaketaren aldakortasun dialektala



Argitaratua 2010-02-21
Gontzal Aldai


In this talk I present a summary of the works I have published in the last years on Basque case-marking, where I make the point that there is important dialectal variation regarding this issue. Even though there are many complications in the Basque data which pose difficulties for any analysis, the main conclusion from my work is that Western Basque's case-marking should be considered semantically-aligned (i.e. split-intransitive) instead of ergative. As for Central and Eastern Basque's case-marking, I argue that it could (still) be considered ergative, but also that it is not too different from a semantic alignment. Diachronically, it seems all dialects of Basque are evolving towards a more consistent semantic alignment, as younger generations of speakers of Central and Eastern Basque tend to use the ERG case-marker with unergative verbs.

Nola aipatu

Aldai, Gontzal. 2010. «Euskararen Kasu-Markaketaren Aldakortasun Dialektala». Anuario Del Seminario De Filología Vasca "Julio De Urquijo", otsailak, 5-19.
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