NZ- in situ euskaraz: gazteen nafar-lapurterazko galdera-estrategia berri bat



Argitaratua 2010-02-21
Maia Duguine Aritz Irurtzun


In this article we analyze some new Wh-question constructions that are found in the speech of navarro-labourdin young speakers. After reviewing the structure of the standard Wh-question formation strategy and that of the reinforced strategy which is specific to navarro-labourdin, we analyze the data of the new Wh-question strategy. We show that unlike the previous ones, this new strategy does not show any Wh-movement, and rather, it is better analyzed as a Wh-in situ construction. Furthermore, we suggest a hypothesis regarding the origin of this new construction as a reanalysis of the existing patterns which could be facilitated by a contact situation with a language which, besides the Wh-movement construction, also shows Wh-in situ, i.e. French.

Nola aipatu

Duguine, Maia, eta Aritz Irurtzun. 2010. «NZ- in Situ Euskaraz: Gazteen Nafar-Lapurterazko Galdera-Estrategia Berri Bat». Anuario Del Seminario De Filología Vasca "Julio De Urquijo", otsailak, 21-36.
Abstract 252 | PDF Downloads 378

