Perpaus barneko hizkuntza lerratzeak (HL) ekialdeko euskal elebidunetan



Argitaratua 2010-02-21
Irantzu Epelde Beñat Oyharçabal


This paper presents the results of a study on Basque-French intrasentential code- switching. More specifically, the paper studies the case of prepositional phrase (PP) insertion among Basque-French bilinguals in the Northern Basque Country. The data show a clear tendency to insert PPs that function as syntactic islands, in contrast with so-called lexical insertions (N). This tendency is dominant when Basque is the base or matrix language. Nevertheless, when French is the matrix language, the opposite happens, and the 'classic' code-switching becomes dominant. As a conclusion, this crossing is proposed to be the result of some phonological constraints.

Nola aipatu

Epelde, Irantzu, eta Beñat Oyharçabal. 2010. «Perpaus Barneko Hizkuntza Lerratzeak (HL) Ekialdeko Euskal Elebidunetan». Anuario Del Seminario De Filología Vasca "Julio De Urquijo", otsailak, 55-64.
Abstract 209 | PDF Downloads 209



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