Atlas sintaktikoaren aplikazio informatikoa



Argitaratua 2010-02-21
Gotzon Santander Aitor Soroa Mikel Lersundi Larraitz Uria


In order to study the syntactic variations of Basque dialects, we have developed an application to store, organize and manage all the information concerning that dialectal variation. The application consists of three modules: a data-base, a search engine and the cartographic module.
   All the data are organized and stored in the data-base. The search engine makes it possible to search for any field included in the data-base. Thanks to the cartographic module, we can see, in the map, in which places the searched syntactic phenomena have been collected.
   In order to display the answers to the queries in the map, we have made use of the free technology offered by Google Maps. The provinces and regions of the Basque Country are visualized in the map, and if the answers of a query belong to more than one province, each province is displayed in a different colour in order to distinguish them. There are different options to consult the maps: satellite image, the map itself, the combination of both, the possibility of using the zoom, etc.
   In order to store the data, to search for any linguistic phenomena or to see the maps, the application developed will be accessed via a web browser.

Nola aipatu

Santander, Gotzon, Aitor Soroa, Mikel Lersundi, eta Larraitz Uria. 2010. «Atlas Sintaktikoaren Aplikazio Informatikoa». Anuario Del Seminario De Filología Vasca "Julio De Urquijo", otsailak, 171-84.
Abstract 130 | PDF Downloads 111

