Errealitate soziolinguistikoaren deskribapena eta irudikatzea-hiru aldagairekiko modeloak
Jean-Baptiste "Battittu" Coyos
Like other sciences, sociolinguistics tries to offer some objective and rational understanding of a part of reality. Before proceeding to explain, and then predict, the effects of the reality studied, we must first set out to describe it. For this purpose, sociolinguistics has created analytical categories and descriptive schemas.
In this article, we focus on those models or schemas which are made up of three basic elements or components. Those three-sided models are quite widespread in sociolinguistics. They make up a long list. We comment on some of the most significant ones.
How to Cite
Coyos, Jean-Baptiste "Battittu". 2009. “Errealitate Soziolinguistikoaren Deskribapena Eta Irudikatzea-Hiru Aldagairekiko Modeloak”. Anuario Del Seminario De Filología Vasca "Julio De Urquijo" 43 (1-2):193-203.
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