From ancient "Iturissa" to modern "ithurri", through the left-hand door



Published 15-09-2018
Julen Manterola


In this paper, I offer new etymologies for two Basque words, iturri 'fountain' and ezker 'left'. Together with Uhlenbeck, I consider iturri to be an old participle, built on the root hur 'water'. As for ezker, I propose that it bears the same root that is present in the word hezi 'tame', and that its etymological meaning is something like 'untameable', mos typically when speaking about hands.

How to Cite

Manterola, Julen. 2018. “From Ancient "Iturissa" to Modern "ithurri&Quot;, through the Left-Hand Door”. Anuario Del Seminario De Filología Vasca "Julio De Urquijo" 52 (1/2):507-16.
Abstract 341 | PDF (Euskara) Downloads 173

