First approach to the study of a XVIII century manuscript: the "Vocabulario Pomier"



Published 13-09-2021
Josu M. Zulaika Hernández


In this work we present the Vocabulario Pomier, an anonymous manuscript from the xviii century which, despite being located in the Biblioteca Foral de Bizkaia —a very important public library placed in the center of Bilbao— didn’t seem to had drawn the attention of vascologists yet. As far as we are concerned, Justo Mocoroa was the only person that used it to rescue some locutions that were included in his work Ortik eta emendik (1990). The Vocabulario Pomier includes about 3500 Basque words that belong to the Gipuzkoan dialect, being Spanish —at least formally— the final language. Although the date of its elaboration is not included in the manuscript, we believe that it might have been elaborated between 1729 and 1745. If this hypothesis is confirmed, this manuscript would increase the poor number of Basque vocabularies written before the Diccionario Trilingüe (1745) of Larramendi. While waiting the soon critical edition of the Vocabulary with professor Ricardo Gómez, in this research we will talk about the history of the manuscript (§ 2), its physical characteristics (§ 3), its disposition and structure (§ 4), its sources (§ 5), its possible dating (§ 6) and the linguistic variety of euskera in it (§ 7).

How to Cite

Zulaika Hernández, Josu M. 2021. “Quot”;. Anuario Del Seminario De Filología Vasca "Julio De Urquijo" 50 (1/2):99-120.
Abstract 221 | PDF (Español) Downloads 223


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