Is it worth looking at these special uses of ete?
Two dialectal uses of the discourse particle ete (ote) in certain exclamative sentences are under study in this work. They are intriguing because their interpretation differs from canonical ete. Specifically, in one particular use the speaker uttering ete emphatically confirms what the interlocutor has previously said. In the second use, on the other hand, the speaker objects critically to what his interlocutor has previously uttered. Interestingly enough, the complementizer -(e)n must always occur even if they are root sentences. In order to explain these values, it is proposed that they are insubordinate sentences, and that while one construction is an instance of a polarity focus, in the second construction the particle has grammaticalized its meaning of lack of full commitment to no commitment at all. This would match the often attributed graduable or quantificational nuance of exclamative structures.
How to Cite
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