E-consumer segmentation: an applied study based in the internet use perspectives



Published 18-09-2018
Eduard Cristóbal Fransi Natalia Daries Ramon Juan Pablo Baldomar


The market segmentation has frequently been used in the traditional marketing research but still appears as a relatively new subject in the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Internet environment. The present investigation seeks to analyse the e-consumer behaviour depending on the future use of different Internet applications. Using a sample of 700 citizens, we have realized a factorial and cluster analysis to classify the users in three groups. We have used demographical information and the perspectives of use, to elaborate a profile for each segment. Analysis also allows extracting the main factors that explain the different attitudes towards the Internet use. In the conclusions section we present the most significant reflections about the obtained segments and its implication on management, the limitations of the study and the future lines of research.

How to Cite

Cristóbal Fransi, E., Daries Ramon, N., & Baldomar, J. P. (2018). E-consumer segmentation: an applied study based in the internet use perspectives. Cuadernos De Gestión, 14(1), 33–55. https://doi.org/10.5295/cdg.120373ec
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ICT (Information and Communication Technologies), segmentation, positioning, consumer behaviour, Internet

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