Practical case: The strategic planning of the museum guggenheim bilbao from a perspective of Marketing



Published 18-09-2018
Iñaki Periáñez Cañadillas Miguel Ángel Quintana Daza


The dimension of tourism, which includes the cultural tourism market, is growing and developing. In some cities its importance has been vital as a driving force to the economic development. The Guggenheim Museum is an example. It has clearly contributed to the economic development of the Gran Bilbao and it has even been something to imitate in other parts of Spain.

In our survey we have tried to investigate and show some features which have contributed to success, and analysed them through the methodology followed for the development of marketing strategic plans. We have been able to look into the different economic memorandums of the Museum for the last few years, as well as some strategic plans that the Museum has developed recently.

Our approach has incorporated both elements, internal and external, which once investigated, we believe, are the most important parts to success in management. This survey would like to be a starting point of reflection for the different museums to investigate and audit their marketing plans.

How to Cite

Periáñez Cañadillas, I., & Quintana Daza, M. Ángel. (2018). Practical case: The strategic planning of the museum guggenheim bilbao from a perspective of Marketing. Cuadernos De Gestión, 9(1), 99–122.
Abstract 246 | PDF (Español) Downloads 519



Museum, marketing, tourism, marketing planning

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