«The Toyota Way». LEAN, more than a kit of tools and techniques



Published 18-09-2018
Asier Toledano de Diego Nagore Mañes Sierra Sergio Julián García


When speaking about LEAN, people immediately think about Toyota and its continuous success. Accordingly, many companies have tried to follow its model: the TPS (Toyota Production System) or the LEAN model, based on it. However, few ones have achieved it. We think the book «The Toyota way» gives the answer through fourteen principles that we are commenting in this article.

How to Cite

Toledano de Diego, A., Mañes Sierra, N., & Julián García, S. (2018). «The Toyota Way». LEAN, more than a kit of tools and techniques. Cuadernos De Gestión, 9(2), 111–122. https://doi.org/10.5295/cdg.19104at
Abstract 535 | PDF (Español) Downloads 885



Toyota Production System, LEAN philosophy, visual management, automanagement, team

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