Increase the influence of the travel video bloggers by using Youtube to sell trips indirectly through relationship marketing and service quality online



Published 11-01-2021
José Ramón Sarmiento Guede
Javier De Esteban Curiel
Arta Antonovica


Purpose: The main aim of this article is to verify by applied field research the relationship between the e-service quality provided by the travel youtubers and the e-relationship quality with the users, formed by trust, satisfaction and commitment. Design/methodology/approach: For the theoretical framework and the creation of the hypothesis there was used a literature review that is focused on travel youtubers, relationship marketing and service quality online. For confirmation of the hypothesis there was applied a quantitative survey technique to 1245 sample units. Findings: Dimensions of information and communication, that are part of the quality of the service, are the ones that affect the most in the development of the quality of the relation. As a consequence, travel youtubers have to develop a strategy that includes all kinds of actions of content creation in order to grow their notoriety while not selling any sort of product or service. Hence, the quality of the relation must be defined as a multi-dimensional construct with a superior order formed by trust, satisfaction and commitment as main dimensions that may be influenced (antecedent) or may be admitted of other dimensions (consequents), having them put through clients and users. Therefore, travel youtubers must create among their followers a positive attitude towards themselves. Attitude is formed by cognitive elements (trust), affective elements (satisfaction) and conative elements (commitment). Originality/value: This research paper offers theoretical framework confirmed by a field study for measuring quality relationship online by users and travel youtubers and identifies which are the dimensions that form the user’s attitude. These attitudes will be transformed into behaviors such as the repetition of purchase and the development of positive word-of-mouth communication.

How to Cite

Sarmiento Guede, J. R., De Esteban Curiel, J., & Antonovica, A. (2021). Increase the influence of the travel video bloggers by using Youtube to sell trips indirectly through relationship marketing and service quality online. Cuadernos De Gestión, 21(1), 75–87.
Abstract 481 | PDF Downloads 317



Travel Youtubers, Relationship Marketing, Service Quality, Online Information and Communication, Followers, Content Creation

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